My Self Portrait Photography.
Showing Oct 11th-Dec. 10th
1125 N98TH
Seattle, WA 98103
206 522-4758

Monday through Friday   9- 6 PM
Saturday 10am-10pm
Sunday 10am-5pm

map of location here


(my show GoddessKRING now airs twice a week. details here: tv/webshow)

Every aRtist has a unique style, working with different mediums and using their own techniques and methods to filter out & portray an idea or subject as they see it.  Some work with color filters, water filters or even water colors to create an aRt piece to share with the world.  Others may choose to use oil paints, purified water, paint filters, bold colors and shapes...
  I, indeed, have my own style of representing my feelings and sharing my aRt with others.  Please look below to see some examples of galleries I've participated in if you are interested in my own aRt style.


Past Gallery Shows:

Oct/Nov/Dec 2008

my photography & paintings at SCANtv studios.

Oct 6th through December 6th 2008

Video of the show below:



Seattle Gallery Show September 2008

Self Portal: Amplified Chameleon
photographs by Shannon Kringen

I tend towards being an introspective person. I use my camera to create Self Portraits that amplify and exaggerate different aspects of Myself that would otherwise remain hidden within and silent.

A chameleon like variety of Passionate Self Portrait Photographs capturing very different facets. From black and white high contrast to full color in natural light with face paint to the distorted face reflected in chrome. Images that symbolize the paradox of being one person and yet having many different sides to oneself simultaneously. The Self Portrait could be seen as a metaphor using the I to represent the Macrocasm of how many different cultures we have on the planet yet it's all one humankind.

Shannon Kringen is a multi media artist and has been producing/directing and performing in her own one women tv show "Goddess Kring" on the Seattle Community Access Network (SCAN) for the last 12 years. In addition to Photography Shannon Hand Paints Shoes and Records Her Spoken Word with Improvisational Piano Music. She has a college background in Graphic Design. You can see more of her work here:

Announcing a Seattle Gallery Show of

My Self Portrait Photography.
Opening Night Saturday Sept. 6th

Art/Not Terminal
2045 Westlake Avenue Seattle, WA 98121

Shannon Kringen © 2014